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v2.1.0 changes

* #106 bookmarks support
* #134 fixed includes
* #157 added new build flags `EASY_OPTION_TRUNCATE_RUNTIME_NAMES` and `EASY_OPTION_CHECK_MAX_VALUE_SIZE` for checking maximum block runtime-name length and max `EASY_VALUE` array size at run-time. I recommend you do not use these flags (they're disabled by default) because they add additional runtime checks which would lead to minor slow-down. It is just better not to use very long names and arrays (max 2816 bytes / chars) instead of additional runtime checks.
* replaced usage of `COMPILER_MSVC` (which is not defined anywhere) with `_MSC_VER` in `current_time.h`

* #106 bookmarks support
* added search matches highlighting for Stats tree and Blocks list
* added statistics for selected area
* added median duration calculation
* added avg and median durations to the histogram
* added borders for the histogram
* added possibility to select area using selected block begin and end times (just right-click on any block on the Diagram)
* use transparent RoundProgressDialog everywhere
* added max rows count calculation for Call-stack Stata-tree mode
* #112 fixed loosing focus for Diagram tool-tips
* #125 fixed tool-tips behavior when switching between applications
* #143 fixed negative weight for `QFont`
* #154 fixed reconnect issue after previous connection failure
* fixed CSS parsing
* fixed CSS style
* workaround for Qt huge memory leak on Linux when creating and deleting Qt-objects in different threads
* rearranged application settings

* #123 #124 linux deployment fix
* #128 #129 fixed build with `std::chrono` clock
* #126 #127 avoid propagation of `-std=gnu++11` to user targets
* #131 #132 fixed build for MIPS
* #137 fixed Android build
* #145 support building with QNX 7.0

* #150